Mount Lafayette

Mt Lafayette – White Mountains, NH

Elevation: 5,260′

Mount Lafayette is my favorite peak in the White Mountain Range thus far, with its remarkable ridgeline views stealing the show. Whether you incorporate it into a day hike or a longer backpacking trip, Mount Lafayette is an exceptional summit to conquer. However, be cautious of changing weather conditions, as you will be well above the treeline at the 5,260-foot summit, which is prone to extreme weather. Moreover, you’re quite far from the treeline, so it’s essential to pay close attention to weather forecasts.

The summit of Mount Lafayette is characterized by its rocky terrain, so be mindful of your dog’s paws. Rocks can easily cause abrasions or blisters on their pads. Don’t forget to bring ample water and food for both you and your canine companion, as thirst and hunger can set in quickly during such an adventurous hike.

In the heart of the White Mountains vast, Lies Lafayette, a giant of the past, A ridgeline view, a sight to behold, Where stories of hikers, new and old, unfold.

A trail winds up, where pines part ways, Revealing a summit, in the sun’s golden rays, The winds whisper tales, secrets untold, Of weathered faces and hearts brave and bold.

Treeline recedes, as we ascend the slope, With every step, the summit brings hope, The rocky terrain, a challenge we face, In the dance with nature, a humbling embrace.

And as we stand, on this peak so grand, Taking in the beauty of this mountainous land, In the spirit of Frost, we quietly recall, The path less traveled, the greatest of all.